05/09/2018 / By Vicki Batts
Could Americans survive a disaster? Experts say that even food rationing efforts, similar to those of World War I & II, would be colossal failures in today’s world. During those times, citizens were encouraged to grow their own Victory gardens and did their best to minimize food waste. “Doing your part” was essential, and making do was implied. The liberal cry-bullies of today would certainly be in for quite the rude awakening, wouldn’t they?
As sources explain, there are many reasons why 2018 USA would have a hard time surviving an economic collapse. In addition to the fact that the population is far less patriotic than in decades past, we have an entire generation of entitled, hypocritical, whiny brats running around trying to take people’s rights away. The kids of today would not be able to handle having our current government undertaking rationing efforts, even though the intended purpose of rationing is to ensure there’s enough food for everyone — rest assured, there would be a revolt.
At the very least, they’d probably cry in the streets about how unfair life is. Liberal talking points about equality, gun control and other issues seem to become notoriously absent when the talking heads themselves are asked to do something. Just look at the number of Democratic politicians who advocate for gun control from their soapboxes…which are secured by good guys with guns. Do we really expect that these elitists will participate in something like food rationing?
Perhaps they’d propose something like China’s new social credit score system: Only those deemed worthy get the food rations.
Of course, there is more than one way for the U.S. to flounder during a time of food rationing. In addition to the potential for the leftist cult to try to obscure access to food in order to serve their own, the simple fact of the matter is that people are not self-reliant anymore. How many people do you know with a garden? You might know someone who grows herbs on the windowsill, or maybe they even have a few tomato plants or something — but the days of having a home garden that could feed your family are, by and large, over.
The number of people living in cities and suburbs has grown exponentially over the last several decades. And in some areas, people are even being prohibited from growing gardens in their own yards, meaning that governments across the nation are essentially encouraging people to become even more dependent.
And it’s not just economic collapse that Americans are unprepared for: For most, the concept of disaster preparedness is elusive. Even when people are concerned about events such as tornadoes, hurricanes and earthquakes, startlingly few people actually make an effort to be prepared for these kinds of disasters. Multiple polls and surveys have shown that Americans, even in disaster-vulnerable areas, may be concerned about bad things happening but are reluctant to actually do something about it. As one expert contended, “there’s no relationship between how afraid you are and your likelihood of having a disaster preparedness kit.”
Perhaps partially due to what researchers call “optimistic bias,” people just don’t want to believe that bad things can happen to them. Data has also shown that most people believe the government will take care of them when something bad happens. But is that really a safe bet? In an economic collapse or worse, the government simply may not have the means to provide for everyone.
Learn more about how to stay afloat during a food crisis at FoodCollapse.com.
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Tagged Under:
Collapse, Crybullies, depopulation, disaster planning, disaster preparations, entitlement, food collapse, food independence, food rationing, food rations, home garden, patriots, preparedness, prepping, self-reliance, starvation, survival food, whiners
This article may contain statements that reflect the opinion of the author
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