emergency kit
By Zoey Sky
Arnica salve is an herbal medicine that smart preppers keep in their emergency kits
Knowing about various medicinal plants can help you survive in a post-SHTF world. Preppers often use arnica or wolf’s bane, an herb with anti-inflammatory properties, to create natural remedies for pain relief. (h/t to SHTFPlan.com) What is arnica? Arnica is an herb with potent healing properties. You can use this plant to make an arnica […]
By Ellaine Castillo
Natural painkillers you should have on hand in case SHTF
In a SHTF situation, it is important to avoid things that could cause injuries or diseases since these could significantly diminish your chances of survival. Although most health problems are not immediately fatal, they are often accompanied by pain, which adds to the pile of things that you should worry about. Without proper care and attention, pain can become […]
By Ellaine Castillo
Essential oils to treat wounds and scrapes when you’re off the grid
Many people have become extremely dependent on technology and other scientific advancements for almost everything in life. However, for those who are living off-grid, conveniences like treatments for cuts and bruises may not be accessible. Fortunately, nature can provide almost everything that’s needed to survive in this world; people just have to know where to look. […]
By Amy Goodrich
5 Must-have radios for survival in a grid-down situation
With so many threats on the horizon, learning ways to prepare yourself and your family for survival might save your life one day. Whether it is an economic collapse, natural disaster, or chemical attack, don’t count on governments to come to your aid. Riots, looting, and disasters can unfold anytime. Being prepared for these emergency […]
By Zoey Sky
What if SHTF when you’re at work? 10 things to have in your office emergency kit
Most preppers are ready for when SHTF while they are at home, but what if you are stuck in the office? It is best to keep the items in your office emergency kit in a sturdy backpack so you are ready to go at a moment’s notice. You can also store your items in a box […]
By Jessica Dolores
How to survive a tornado if you don’t have a shelter or basement
Every year, tornadoes claim the lives of 60 people, on average, who die from the airborne debris they bring. Besides causing massive grief, this natural disaster also destroys homes and properties, and disrupts normal activities in businesses and schools. Some can seek shelter in their home basement when a tornado threatens life and property. But […]
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