emergency situations
By Earl Garcia
How to make your own earthquake survival kit
Data from the United States Geological Survey (USGS) reveals that more than 1,400 magnitude 5 to 5.9 earthquakes were recorded worldwide in 2015 alone, causing around 9, 624 deaths. With these numbers in mind, knowing how to make an earthquake survival kit is essential. An article from the online survival guide GraywolfSurvival.com has listed a few tips […]
By Jessica Dolores
Pet prepping: Emergency treatments you should learn, just in case
Pets and their unconditional love make them indispensable. They’re family. Their joys and pains are ours as well. Lucky is the pet owner with a background in veterinary medicine to help him when accidents and emergencies happen to their beloved pooch. But most owners are lost when something bad happens to their pet. They don’t […]
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