By D. Samuelson
Rise of the robots will force employers to have “human hiring quotas” even if robots can do their job better
The International Bar Association (IBA), says, is the “world’s leading organization of international legal practitioners, bar associations and law societies.” IBA’s global reach extends to 160 countries with 80,000 individual lawyers as members worldwide. Their expertise “covers all practice areas and professional interests,” and include, among other agendas, a large human rights component. Their global corporate reach provides an […]
By Jayson Veley
MUSK: Humans must become cyborgs to survive in dystopian future
Advancements in technology have surpassed our wildest dreams over the past several decades. What many people once considered to be science fiction is now reality, and similarly, what we think is impossible today will become possible tomorrow. We have devices that can talk to us and tell us virtually anything we need to know, cars […]
By Daniel Barker
Google’s “nightmare” robot getting closer to Terminator status: Will the tech giant stage the next war against humanity
Boston Dynamics, a robotics company owned by Google’s parent company, Alphabet, has developed some amazing robots over the past few years, but none quite so “nightmare-inducing” as its latest creation, called “Handle.” Handle hasn’t been officially unveiled to the public, but a group of investors were recently given a glimpse of its capabilities in a […]
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