By Edsel Cook
Not everyone knows of this practical and life-saving use of a Faraday cage
Every day, you run into situations where having a Faraday cage can be really helpful. In the future, it might even keep you alive when SHTF. An article in Alpha Survivalist covered the many uses of such devices. Simply put, a Faraday cage is a space surrounded by conductive material that blocks off magnetic fields […]
By Zoey Sky
Innovation is crucial to survival: How to use shoelaces for a variety of applications when SHTF
When SHTF, preppers know how to turn everyday objects into multi-purpose tools. For example, shoelaces can have various uses besides keeping your shoes in your feet. (h/t to Here are nine ways you can use shoelaces in a survival scenario. As a belt – During a survival scenario, you need to stay as mobile as […]
By Carol Anderson
How to train yourself to be more situationally aware of your surroundings
The world is becoming crazier and scarier by the minute, what with all the news of shootings, bombings, and accidents reported on television. It’s highly important to become more vigilant and always prepare for worst-case scenarios. In times like this, nothing is more fitting than learning the art of situational awareness. In essence, situational awareness is simply being […]
By David Williams
Make your own air purifier with box fans
The air you breathe may not look polluted now, but that’s not an excuse to leave out preparing for the time when it comes – which you could end up regretting big time if you’re not prepared. You might say that harmful toxins in the air are not much of a problem for you, but […]
By Zoey Sky
Storing food without a refrigerator: 25 different kinds of root cellars
If the power suddenly goes off for more than a couple of days in your area, can you survive on the food that you have right now? With a root cellar, food storage without a refrigerator will be one less thing to worry about. (h/t to If you have the means to do so, consider […]
By Edsel Cook
A simple camouflage guide to reducing the visibility of your firearms
A long gun like a rifle or a shotgun sticks out like a sore thumb due to its size, an article in Survival Sullivan states. Fortunately, there are easy and affordable ways to camouflage your big gun to conceal it, be it the eyes of the game animal you are hunting or the hostile human […]
By Carol Anderson
Medical preparedness when SHTF: What you really need to know
No one really likes thinking of worst-case scenarios, but anything can happen at any given time. One of the greatest advantages you can have when SHTF is being knowledgeable about medicines and natural remedies in case of health emergencies. (h/t to You might be thinking that SHTF moments mean gun wounds, war, bombings, and ceilings […]
By Edsel Cook
How to SWAT-proof your security door
If your house is a castle, your front door is the portcullis. An article in Survivopedia states that you should build and install your own security door that can withstand violent forces – including a SWAT team. You will need the following tools and materials to make your own DIY-door: Band saw or table saw Caulk […]
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