situational awareness
By Mary Miller
10 Tips that help build situational awareness
Situational awareness is an essential survival skill that all preppers should learn to practice. It involves conditioning yourself to achieve a state of mind relative to being alert of one’s surroundings and situations. This sense of heightened awareness allows you to assess potential risks and see trouble coming from far away. That way, you can safely […]
By RJ Jhonson
Situational awareness lessons that can save your life
It’s not your stash or your equipment that make you a prepper. More than having your stockpile, possessing the right mindset is an important aspect of being prepared. One of the most important mental qualities you need to achieve is situational awareness. Many preppers tend to think that preparation is having the right gear, with […]
By Mary Miller
6 underappreciated prepping topics you need to be researching more
Preppers should have the foresight to take into account every aspect of long-term survival in case SHTF. As with any preparedness plan, some topics might get more attention than others. That doesn’t mean the other topics are any less important in the bigger picture of disaster preparedness. Don’t take anything for granted. It is always good to […]
By Lance D Johnson
How to deal with gangs, mobs, and looters when SHTF
Violent gangs, mobs, rioters, and looters do not abide by the rule of law and do not fear the consequences of their actions. They only care about getting what they want. If SHTF, gangs believe there will be no lawful repercussions for their actions. When a natural disaster occurs in a city, looting becomes a […]
By Carol Anderson
How to train yourself to be more situationally aware of your surroundings
The world is becoming crazier and scarier by the minute, what with all the news of shootings, bombings, and accidents reported on television. It’s highly important to become more vigilant and always prepare for worst-case scenarios. In times like this, nothing is more fitting than learning the art of situational awareness. In essence, situational awareness is simply being […]
By Frances Bloomfield
Critical survival skill: Teach yourself and your kids situational awareness
The best way to get out of any bad situation is to avoid it in the first place. This is what makes situational awareness so essential a survival skill. In a nutshell, situational awareness is paying attention to your surroundings, processing what you’ve perceived, and basing your actions on your observations. Possessing a high degree […]
By Zoey Sky
How to avoid an approaching attacker
Imagine this: It’s late at night and you’re just leaving the office. You notice a stranger approaching, and they seem dangerous. Do you engage? Or will you avoid them? Threat assessment can help you determine what the correct course of action is when something like this happens to you. How you react will usually be […]
By Jayson Veley
Your survival depends on how aware you are of your surroundings: How good is your situational awareness?
Experienced survivalists understand that living to see another day requires much more than firearm skills and physical strength. The truth is, if there is no situational awareness present, then the chances of surviving potentially dangerous scenarios is slim to none. In an article published on early last month, author Jesse Mathewson defined the term […]
By Jayson Veley
Knowing these three “Zones of Assessment” is your key to surviving ANY situation
Many people don’t realize the mental capacity needed to make it through a SHTF situation. It’s one thing to be physically fit and have the stamina to travel long distances on foot; it’s something entirely different to be able to carefully think through and evaluate potentially life-threatening scenarios. Indeed, making a decision too fast without […]
By Lance D Johnson
Protect your property with these three non-lethal booby traps
When someone breaks into your home, steals your belongings, kidnaps a family member or threatens your life, your view of the world changes. Your situational awareness heightens and you are no longer afraid to confront the reality of evil in this world. Living in a rural area has its advantages, but you’re on your own […]
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