04/06/2020 / By Zoey Sky
If you’re an experienced prepper, you probably finished setting up your gear and a survival stockpile as early as December 2019 when word started spreading about a disease called coronavirus (COVID-19). Now, as the world continues to struggle because of this fast-spreading disease, even non-preppers may be inspired to start prepping to get ready for the coronavirus pandemic.
To the uninitiated, prepping may be just as overwhelming as dealing with a pandemic.
If you want to learn how to become a prepper, follow the tips below to get started on your prepping journey before it’s too late.
Set up a survival stockpile and rotate your supplies to avoid spoilage. Buy items your family likes to eat and stock up whenever you can.
Take advantage of promos, sales and coupons to get the most bang for your buck. When SHTF, you can survive on the supplies you have in your stockpile.
Start with the essential list below and add more items as you see fit.
Cleaning supplies:
Medical supplies:
Food supplies:
Essentials include kitchen staples like grains, pasta or pet food. These items always sell out first in times of disaster.
While things are quiet, start building up your stockpile so you don’t need to rush to the store to buy more supplies. (Related: Preppers weren’t overreacting: Americans were taken by SURPRISE because they didn’t take coronavirus seriously.)
Access to medical care is essential, and a community lockdown will make even the most hardcore prepping skeptic realize this.
If you or a loved one has a chronic condition that requires essential medication, stock up as soon as you can.
Rumors and fake news about the coronavirus will do more harm than good, and they may even get you killed. Confirm any news headlines that you spot, and don’t be the one person who spreads fake news and puts others in danger.
For unbiased reports on coronavirus, natural cures and an updated World Coronavirus Count, visit Natural News.
Keep in touch with your loved ones, but practice social distancing to avoid spreading coronavirus.
Likewise, monitor the news. Listen to the radio and have backup communication methods so you can get in touch with family and friends if the main communication lines are cut off. Ham radios are ideal in survival situations.
When SHTF, cooperation is crucial to maintaining order and improving your chances of survival.
Don’t rely on the internet or Google for everything. Learning basic survival skills, like firestarting or foraging, can give you an advantage when you least expect it.
Sign up for bushcraft classes or get official first aid certification in your free time.
Whether it’s the severity of a survival scenario, news about a pandemic or how much food you have left, don’t assume anything. Check your supplies regularly and stock up on items that are running low.
Assumptions can be dangerous, and they can cost someone’s life during a pandemic or a natural disaster like a hurricane or tornado.
You don’t need to go around asking your neighbors if they prep or not, but it pays to know who has excess supplies that they might be willing to trade during a lockdown.
Surround yourself with people you can trust. Likewise, let your neighbors know that they can count on you in times of need.
When your supplies run out and going to the store isn’t possible, you’ll need to be creative and think of an alternative.
Try to think of possible alternatives to popular consumables, such as apples for eggs when baking.
Other examples include:
During an emergency, preparedness and sustainability are both important. Don’t be complacent because you have a stockpile.
Learn how to craft various supplies and shelter. Make the most of your resources, like the internet and video sharing sites, to learn more about basic skills and odd alternatives to common items that you may need when SHTF.
Find a reliable backup source of power to prepare for a long-term blackout. Save up water for drinking, cooking and cleaning.
Turn your yard into a food-producing survival garden! Learn how to preserve food so you can add excess crops to your survival stockpile.
The modern world is all about convenience and instant gratification, two things that will become your worst enemies when facing a pandemic like the coronavirus.
Practice self-control so you can make it through an emergency with your patients and sanity intact. Remind yourself and your loved ones that your supplies must last for an indefinite length of time.
Fight the urge to leave the house just because you’re bored. Social distancing, which is crucial to preventing the spread of coronavirus, means staying at home unless you need to buy supplies.
During times of crisis, non-preppers can learn from preppers. After all, it’s always better to be overprepared than overwhelmed by something like a pandemic when SHTF.
Sources include:
Tagged Under: 2019-nCoV, China, coronavirus, covid-19, Flu, grocery, infections, novel coronavirus, off grid, outbreak, pandemic, panic, preparedness, prepping, SHTF, Stockpile, superbugs, survival, survival stockpile, survival supplies, virus, Wuhan coronavirus
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